Monday, February 21, 2011

My First Plastic-Free Grocery Shopping Experience

It was a very small shopping trip, just for dinner’s ingredients, but a success!
I almost forgot my canvas bag, and was in reverse out of the driveway before I remembered, but I got it!  I went to King Soopers. 
My grocery list:
Red Onion
Serrano Pepper

I also grabbed:

I didn’t bag any of the fruits & veggies.  Just naked plants in the basket. 

I bought the only bread that they had in an all-paper bag.  A French Baguette.  Happens to be my favorite bread in the world (Indian Naan is a close second), so it wasn’t a bad option for dinner. 

I will definitely have to seek out better bakery options to get my normal whole wheat sandwich bread.  Where am I going to find bread that’s not packaged in plastic?  And how much will I have to pay extra?

Plastic used     None
Extra $ Spent  =  $0
Healthier Options = Nada.  White bread baguette doesn’t do anything for my nutrition.  The mango & avocado were an awesome desert though! 


  1. Whole foods has the best bread (not in plastic) with the best ingredients such as no unbleached flour. Not sure of the cost difference, however I think your health and the environment is worth it if it's more. In the long run insurance would cost more if you continue to eat the crap they put into our food.

  2. I got wheat bread in a french bread loaf at Safeway in a paper bag. But wheat isn't WHOLE wheat! Thanks for the suggestion, Lori. :)
